Voie Libre’s Library
Voie Libre’s library, the one-stop shop for specifications and findings on Railway Control-Command and Signalling !
Here you will find publications, specifications and findings of the european working groups, on railway Control-Command and Signalling topics.
Discover here the set of specifications of the european signalling system ERTMS/ETCS. This documentation comes from the European Railway Agency (ERA).

ERTMS/ETCS Hybrid Level 3
Discover here the Hybrid Level 3 concept of the european signalling system ERTMS/ETCS. This documentation comes from the ERTMS Users Group (EUG).

Localisation (EUG)
Discover here the set of specifications on onboard localisation. This documentation comes from the ERTMS Users Group (EUG).

Localisation (CLUG)
Discover here the set of specifications on onboard localisation. This documentation comes from the european research project CLUG.

ATO over ETCS (GoA2)
Discover here the set of specifications of the european Automatic Train Operation (GoA2). This documentation comes from european initiative Shift2Rail.

ATO up to GoA4
Discover here the set of specifications of the european Automatic Train Operation up to GoA4. This documentation comes from european initiative Shift2Rail, project X2RAIL4.

Reference CCS Architecture (RCA)
Discover here the set of specifications of the infrastructure manager’s initiative : Reference CCS Architecture. RCA is a specification proposal for CCS components trackside.

Open CCS Onboard Reference Architecture (OCORA)
Discover here the set of specifications of the railway undertaking’s initiative : Open CCS Onboard Reference Architecture. OCORA is a specification proposal for CCS components onboard.